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How’s Pot Doing in North Carolina?

Cannabis is 0% legal in North Carolina

Cannabis Legality Report: North Carolina

As of the current date, November 17, 2023, medical marijuana is not legal in North Carolina. Therefore, it is not legal for medical marijuana patients to possess THC-containing cannabis products. The state has a limited medical marijuana program in place for patients with treatment-resistant epilepsy, allowing them to purchase low-THC/high-CBD cannabis oil. However, the production of these products within the state is prohibited (CFah, 2023). The North Carolina Compassionate Care Act (NCCCA) was passed by a bipartisan group of senators in March 2023, which, if enacted, would allow individuals to obtain a prescription to purchase marijuana for certain medical conditions. However, as of the current date, this bill is under review and has not been enacted into law (NatLawReview, 2023).

Since medical marijuana is not legally recognized in North Carolina, it is not legal for medical marijuana patients to buy THC-containing cannabis products in a store. The only exception is the limited access to low-THC/high-CBD cannabis oil for patients with treatment-resistant epilepsy, which must be obtained through means outside of the state due to the prohibition of in-state production (CFah, 2023).

Medical marijuana patients are not allowed to grow THC-containing cannabis in North Carolina. The state does not permit home cultivation for medical use, and there are no provisions in the current legislation that allow for such activities (ILoveGrowingMarijuana, 2023).

As of November 17, 2023, all marijuana, including THC-containing cannabis products, is illegal for adult use in North Carolina. Possession of marijuana is treated as a misdemeanor for first-time offenders, with a maximum fine of $200. Possession of more than a half-ounce of cannabis can result in jail time and fines of up to $1,000 (CFah, 2023).

THC-containing cannabis products cannot be legally purchased in stores for recreational use in North Carolina. The state has not legalized recreational cannabis, and therefore, no retail sales for adults are permitted (CarolinaHempHut, 2023).